Tuesday, April 26, 2005

with the boys - Tiago frowns on the competition for lap space...

Originally uploaded by PaddyG.


PaddyG said...

Hi Diana - thanks for writing! The other little boy is Billy, my friends Clare and Tim's son. They live in England and came to visit us in the Easter holidays for a few days. (I went to school - and university - with Clare... a long time a go!) It was great having two 'little monkeys' to play with and climb all over me! I don't know if Tiago was always happy with the competition...!

Lev T. said...

Tens uma bela família amigão. Porque é que te chamo de amigão? Apesar de o meu nome não te dizer nada, conheces-me muito bem.
Um abração para todos, para ti para o Tiago e para a Raquel.